
Monday, December 14, 2020

figurative language

 press here to see my figurative language 

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

I Tipu Aku Au i Tenei Tau 2020

Kiaora Ko Adam toku ingoa and this is a report about my Maori and how it has been.My Maori has improved Quite a lot throughout the years ive been here. Iv'e learn't things like colors,numbers,my mihi and much much more. While iv'e been learning there has been things like Lock down,and more stuff. My goals for this year have been completed I’ve gotten better at math and that was my goal at the start of the year and its done. The best parts of the year has got to be skiing, Jelly park Adrenalin forest, Spencer park camp and surfing they were pretty cool. one thing i've accomplished through the year is being alive through lock down that was challenging because there was NOTHING to do at all. Im feeling pretty nervous and worried about high school and future things. My goals for next year are to get a lot better at math and writing.


Monday, December 7, 2020

My master piece that invented and i hope it will get 3 million likes on social media


Today in cyber smart lesson we had to color in old pictures online then download them 
then we had to blog about it. It was quite challenging because there was only a small amount of pictures and colors 

Monday, November 30, 2020


Every Monday we learn about media with Mark Maddren just in case you don't know who he is
i added his last name.
He teaches cyber smart and computer stuff with us kids.
Today we learned about fake and real links and websites. if a link is spelt correctly and looks trust worthy 
then go onto the site and proof check it. If there are nothing that looks fake then its OK.
If the website is spelt incorrectly or has at the end then its fake. 
This is a fake news report that i made and the link at the bottom Is NOT real i made that up too.


Thursday, November 26, 2020

The book club that I am doing

Hello I'm Adam and i'm going to tell you about what a book club is. 
What it is. A book club is a large or small group of readers who read the book they chose. Then talk about the figurative language and the vocabulary they found.
How to enter. people usually join book clubs by signing up for them or they just do it they ask people if they want to join and that's that they joined. 
Me and some of my friends are in a book club .We are reading a book called Dark stone eye. This book
is about the war and how these people fought to protect a brooch which means amulet. 
This book also talks about the war and a man called Billy bobby Burton .

In our book clubs we have to do some things that help with our book club.
The first one is translator. This job is to  collect all of the figurative language that you can find in the book.
Then you discuss the best one and add that to your booklet.
The second one is illustrator. This job is to discuss your favorite part of the story. 
The same as the translator you find the best one and add it to your booklet.
The third one is the editor. The editor's job is to find a word you don't understand 
then write it down in your ticket. if you find a word the same as your other member and you both agree about the word then you write it down in your booklet 
Now the last on is publicist. their job is to find the best paragraph you red if you all agree then you write the page and paragraph in your booklet.
These are pictures of me and our reading group

Monday, November 23, 2020

adverts for YR 8 Fun day

In our class we have been learning about social media.Different types of media we have learned 
that media inst only electronics and devices .Media is something that explains what something is and convinces the person to buy it or do what the sign says.
this is a advert that I made that explains the year 8 fun day. 
the gimmicks that their are is theme,title,presentation,character,catch phrase.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

 here are some differences between vertical parallel Horizontal and perpendicular these are some of the things we did in math  you may not be able to see it probably because the i pads were not working with email